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Warm Homes & Clean Air for everyone

Wood heat brings the family together and with out products your wood stove runs safe and warm and your chimney does not smoke.

We make smoke measurement instruments. We have been contacted by other companies and provided custom equipment. What can we make for you today?

We are the only manufacturer of retrofit combustion control systems and smoke measurement instruments for wood stove chimneys. We are seeking retailers and chimney sweeps to use our products as components for their services.

Contact us.



* For B2B Pricing Options See “What We Offer” Section *


Washington State and other states have laws regarding smoke emissions and fines for exceeding limits.

Smokeless Chimney has a produced a line of products to bring existing wood stoves into the 21st Century.


What we offer

  • We are seeking Retailers to place orders and pre-orders: We can ship product today.

    Current orders are for Combustion Air Kits are $500 for 2 units.

    Each B2B order is 2 units including fan, power controller, plenum pipe and accessories.

    Opacity monitors are leased to businesses. Opacity monitors are for 6” diameter smoke stacks. Smokeless Chimney maintains and calibrates the opacity monitors.


  • This is the best option for individuals looking to install a Fan Kit in their wooden stove.

    We recommend a certain level of technical understanding on how to install one of our fans or help by a professional.

    Purchase your fan kit today by click the button below 👇




Noel Putaansuu


Credentials: IAAI-CFI, CFEI, CFII (certified fire investigator)

With more than 35 years of experience in the fire sciences I have participated in the industry from the research and development perspective, the forensic methodology and managing a large portion of the US fire claims for insurance companies.

Together we can bring wood stoves into the 21st Century. We can warm the homes, family and clean the air.


Contact Us


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