Deep Dive Technical Points

  1. Competitive Advantage: By acquiring our intellectual property assets, you can gain a significant competitive advantage in the wood stove industry, especially with the recent changes with the EPA and the large installed base of wood stoves that are ripe for technology performance improvements.

  2. Market Demand: There is a significant demand for wood stoves, and the industry is growing rapidly. By leveraging our IP assets, you can tap into this market demand and gain a larger market share.

  3. Cost Savings: Acquiring our IP assets can save you significant R&D costs, as they will not have to invest in developing similar technologies from scratch.

  4. Time Savings: With our intellectual property assets, you can get a head start in developing new wood stove products, thereby saving significant time and resources.

  5. Partnership Opportunity: By accepting our offer, you can establish a partnership with Acumentor LLC DBA Smokeless Chimney, which can be beneficial for both parties in the long run.


Combustion control using fans and variable air flow

Combustion control using temperature monitor and control

  • High temp limits

  • Lower clean burn limit

  • Rate of Rise control

  • Tail heat extension

Light beam opacity measurement of smoke

  • 20% opacity detection

  • Emission data transmitted on secure channel

Light beam color shift measurement of smoke

  • New science needs further development

Smoldering wood fuel determination by light monitoring

  • Using opacity, smoldering material is detected in seconds

Smoldering wood fuel transition to flaming via air modulation

Refuel notification to operator by light beacon.

  • Using temperature reduction from peak of fire

  • Escalating lights and audible notifications

Retrofit existing wood stove to combustion automation control adaptation

Retrofit existing wood stove chimney smoke monitor adaptation